In the second room, the busts Antonio y Mari (1967–68) appear in the center of the house, as inhabitants of a group of views of domestic interiors: sideboard, refrigerator, windows.
- Antonio and Mari, Polychrome wood. Man: 55 x 47 x 28 cm. Woman: 51 x 45 x 28 cm. Darmstadt, Städtische Kunstsammlung on permanent loan at the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt. © Antonio López. VEGAP. Madrid, 2011.
- New refrigerator, 1991–94. Oil on canvas. 240 x 190 cm. Madrid, courtesy Florentino Pérez Collection.© Antonio López. VEGAP. Madrid, 2011.
- Window in the afternoon, 1974–82. Oil on board. 141 x 124 cm. Madrid, courtesy ACS Collection. © Antonio López. VEGAP. Madrid, 2011.