Architectural Paintings

Architectural Capriccios (room 3)

Compositions with architectural capriccios were another of the new genres that emerged in the eighteenth century—albeit with a few precedents in the 1600s—and were incorporated thereafter into the usual repertory of many painters. The genre was enriched not only by the contributions of Canaletto and his dissemination of Palladianism but also by the reminiscences of ruins and the ancient world introduced by Giovanni Paolo Panini; by the precision of Bernardo Bellotto, who succeeded in making pure imagination real; and by the grand settings of Michele Marieschi. Capriccios, with their unexpected associations, achieved surprising effects that were not alien to other interpretations.

Capricho con la columna de Trajano, Coliseo, Gálata moribundo, arco de Constantino, pirámide de Cayo Cestio y templo de Cástor y Pólux

Giovanni Paolo Panini (Piacenza, 1691-Rome, 1765) Roman Capriccio showing the Colosseum, Borghese Warrior, Trajan's Column, the Dying Gaul, Tomb of Cestius, Arch of Constantine and the Temple of Castor and Polux

Oil on canvas
97.2 x 134.6 cm
Maidstone (Kent), Maidstone Museum & Bentlif Art Gallery; inv. MNEMG 00.1873-05

Organized by

Caja Madrid Museo Thyssen Bornemisza