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Fundación Caja Madrid
Plaza de San Martín, 1
28013 Madrid

3 October 2006 to 7 January 2007

Sala de las Alhajas, Fundación Caja Madrid

Opening times
Tuesdays to Sundays, 10am to 8pm. Closed Mondays

Free entry

Available from the reception desk at the Sala de las Alhajas

Metro: Sol, Ópera and Callao.
Buses: 1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 25, 29, 44, 50, 51, 53, 146, 148 and 150.

Information line
Tel: 902 246 810

Audioguide rental

Guided tours
Reservations on tel: 913 792 050 from Tuesdays to Fridays, 10am to 2pm

Mobile telephones must be switched off in the exhibition
